“The future will depend on what we do in the present.” – Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
There are only 4 more Selling Days left in July and 46 remaining in the Quarter!!!
When my son Patrick was 12 years old and I were playing golf many years ago. He was fairly good for his age and I’m fairly bad for my age then and still.
On the 10th hole (a par 4), he got his first eagle. Non-golfers, that’s two strokes better than par … or two better than a good golfer is supposed to get (have I confused you yet?). It’s something that doesn’t happen often and even less on a par 4. A nice drive off the tee followed with a 70-yard chip into the hole had us both jumping up and down and smiling for the next 20 minutes. On the last hole, following our first shots, we’re walking up the fairway when we see one of the college guys we’ve played with before. He’s over on the third tee getting ready to hit. He’s probably 20 and a very good golfer.
Patrick yells over, “Hey, Adam. I got my first eagle!” Adam stops what he’s doing, walks over to Patrick, smiles, shakes his hand and says, “Tell me that story.”
I know it shouldn’t have been so special of a moment to me but it was. I’m guessing I might have responded with a “Nice work!” or a “Way to go!” and then quickly moved on (even with my almost 6 additional decades on this planet).
Most of us enjoy when people show an authentic interest in us … when someone cares. It’s a big deal to connect and create better personal relationships. Better personal relationships lead to more good things happening (better sales results, more opportunities, more fun). Every business study, book, and survey points to the very significant value of care. It attracts people. It motivates people. It retains people. And, it sells. I don’t know why it doesn’t get more consistent attention in the workplace than it seems to but then again it is never too late to start now is it?
Go out and have a Great Selling Day and make a difference in at least on person’s life today.