America’s moving and storage industry is one of the most complex and diverse collections of businesses in the country. It consists of multi-million dollar companies and multi-thousand dollar ones; of large corporate organizations and “mom-and-pop” operations; of chief executive officers working in corporate suites and independent business people working in their trucks; and of van lines, their agency systems and independent movers.

Our Industry

Consists of 7,000 companies operating at 13,900 locations primarily providing moving and storage services for household and office goods Includes van lines, van line agents, independent full-service movers, international movers, forwarders, and auto transporters

Employs 122,600 people with an annual payroll of $3.6 billion

Is composed of mostly small businesses:

Our Services

Cord Moving and Storage‘s suite of services includes local and long-distance transportation of household and office goods; warehousing and storage services; packing and packaging services; process, distribution, and logistics consulting; merchandise sales and other services. Industry revenue from these services totals more than $12.6 billion annually. The following three areas combined account for 97.3% of revenue:

•   Wanted new or better home/apartment – 14.8% •   Other family reason – 14.8% •    Other housing reason — 14.0% •   To establish own household – 10.4% •   New job or transfer – 9.0% •   Wanted cheaper housing – 8.3% •   Wanted to own home, not rent – 5.8% •   To be closer to work/easier commute – 5.4% •   Change in marital status — 5.0%  •   Wanted better neighborhood/less crime – 3.2% •   Other job-related reason – 2.3% •   To look for work or lost job – 2.1% •   Foreclosure/eviction – 1.8%  •   Other reasons – 1.3% •   Retired – 0.7%  •   To attend or leave college – 0.6% •   Health reasons – 0.4% •  Natural disaster – 0.05% •   Change of climate – 0.03%