Despite what appears to be a non-stop wave of tough news regarding real estate, four major media players have come out this month with the same advice: It Is Time to Buy a Home! This spells a relief to the moving and storage industry that would be easy to characterize as struggling for the past several years. So here are the four articles that someone at Cord Moving and Storage came across that helps breakdown as to why the advice makes sense.

With prices continuing to depreciate in most regions of the country, some may wonder why these four entities are suggesting to their readership that now is the time to buy. Each organization realizes that PRICE is not as important as COST. The cost of a home can go up even if prices continue to fall. Unless you are an all cash buyer, you must take into consideration the expense of mortgaging when calculating the full cost of a home. So this is some information to consider that leads me to believe that just maybe the moving and storage industry is on it’s way back as the real estate industry leads the charge.