Navy bomb tech Andrew Bottrell deployed to Afghanistan in July 2011 with SEAL Team 10. Bottrell’s vehicle was hit by an explosion, leading to the amputation of both of his legs and his left arm. The Gary Sinise Foundation has built a specially adapted ‘smart house’ for him and his family.

Cord Moving and Storage, an Agent for North American Van Lines delivered all the furniture to yet another veteran in conjunction with the Gary Sinise Foundation this past week. Cord Moving and Storage is proud to be one of the best St Louis moving companies and has offices in Memphis, Belleville, IL, and Dixon, MO.

But, on Tuesday, the veteran proudly walked on two prosthetic legs into his new San Diego home. Bottrell and wife Lindsey received a new “smart” house from the Gary Sinise Foundation.

They can open the blinds, and see who’s at the front door – all by mobile phone or tablet.

The national foundation has 61 homes finished or underway for injured veterans with the support of North American Agents like Cord Moving and Storage. Donations of building materials and furniture made the Bottrell home project possible.

A home for a hero: Here’s the full story  

It cost the Navy bomb disposal technician both of his legs and an arm. But, on Tuesday, he walked upright on two prosthetic legs through his new front door. The Gary Sinise Foundation handed Bottrell and his wife, Lindsey, the keys to a new “smart” house.

The drastically renovated home in Clairemont, CA is engineered so the couple can raise the blinds, see who’s at the front door or lock up at night – all from a mobile phone or tablet. The 32-year-old veteran wore a big smile on his face. The Gary Sinise Foundation has 61 homes finished or underway for injured veterans.