“We Were Amazed How Smoothly It All Went”
Recently, Cord Moving and Storage helped our friends at Xanadu Press move shop 450-miles! It was quite an undertaking but it’s amazing just how easy a move can be when you choose the right moving company! Read More about the entire endeavor over at Xanadu Press’ blog.
Cord Moving Maintains C-TPAT Accreditation
Following a recent review by US Customs and Border Control, North American Van Lines International have received confirmation that they are in compliance with the minimum standards established under the C-TPAT Program. The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism is a voluntary government-business initiative to build relationships that strengthen and improve overall international supply chain and U.S. […]
Cord Moving Fights Through Our Troubled Times
“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” Peter Drucker There are 21 Selling Days in October and 63 remaining in the Quarter!!! You can’t counter emotion with logic without addressing the emotion first. It is crucial for us as business and community leaders to […]
Cord Moving and Storage Continues to Find Solutions In The Moving Business
“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” Albert Einstein You don’t achieve success by doing one thing. You achieve success by EVERYTHING you do. But you achieve it by doing one successful thing at a time. You achieve success by: • showing up • On time • Prepared. […]
Cord Moving and Storage Stays Focused
“Pre-Qualify your prospects, don’t pre-judge them.” Keith Rosen There are only 10 more Selling Days remaining in September and in the Quarter!!! To permanently eliminate any confusion, let’s draw a distinction between what it means to pre-qualify and pre-judge someone such as a prospect. This is a critical distinction to get because if you’re prejudging […]
Cord Moving and Storage to the Rescue
Cord Moving and Storage to the Rescue in ST. LOUIS • An overnight pipe breach soaked the towering Thomas F. Eagleton U.S. Courthouse downtown, creating a 17-story waterfall inside the building and leaving half a dozen courtrooms and various offices unusable for perhaps six months, officials said Wednesday. It was too early for anyone to […]
Cord Moving and Storage Takes the Stress out of Relocation
“You must open yourself up to turning stress into customer service success.” ~ Dr. Rick Kirschner There are only 13 more Selling Days in August and 34 remaining in the Quarter!!! No question about it: You can’t please all the people all the time! And because you’re a professional, it’s understandable that your negative experiences […]
Cord Moving and Storage – The Quote of The Day
“You have a chance to start over, will you make the most of it or let it slip through your fingers?” ~ Zig Ziglar There are only 15 more Selling Days in August and 36 remaining in the Quarter!!! I remember one February I drove past the Plymouth, Michigan, Recreation Center where I used to […]
Quote of the Day from Cord Moving and Storage
“All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.” ~ Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) There are only 17 more Selling Days in August and 38 remaining in the Quarter!!! Are you a ‘Talker’ or a ‘Doer’? Do you ‘talk’ about doing or do you take action […]
Who Says the Economy is not Recovering?
Cord Moving and Storage is reporting that the U.S. industrial real estate market continued to improve during the second quarter of this year even as the economic recovery lost momentum. The industrial market posted strong leasing activity, declining vacancies and diminished supply, which most national analysts said should set the stage for an acceleration in […]