Disaster Contingency Planning is a Necessity

Earthquakes in Japan, floods in Australia and throughout South America and now a series of devastating tornadoes in America’s mid-west – if supply chain risk wasn’t topping agendas at the start of the year, it certainly is now. Coal supplies from Queensland took a pounding as a result of the once-in-a-generation storms that engulfed the […]

Why The Moving Industry is Reliant on The Real Estate Market?

Despite what appears to be a non-stop wave of tough news regarding real estate, four major media players have come out this month with the same advice: It Is Time to Buy a Home! This spells a relief to the moving and storage industry that would be easy to characterize as struggling for the past […]

Asking the Right Expert for the Right Storage Needs

It is important to receive written estimates from at least three moving and storage companies (hopefully one is Cord Moving and Storage) prior to signing a contract. Estimates are usually free of charge, with a chance of a minimal fee. When requesting estimates you should not only compare prices, but compare services. Your cheapest estimate […]

Finding The Expert Mover and The Questions You Should Ask

If you have requested an estimate (hopefully from Cord Moving and Storage), soon your phone will be ringing from moving companies looking for your business. Now what? Do not worry, we can help. With the initial call, ask the movers for basic information about their company – address, how many employees, are they a member […]

Understanding Basic Issues in The Moving Industry

Many salespeople spend countless hours trying to improve the way they handle objections by those moving and those that are national accounts that move sometimes hundreds of employees. Schools of thought that range from high pressure tactics all the way to being able to demonstrate empathy to the client have tried to tackle this common […]