Cord Moving and Storage Offers Updater to Help Streamline Your Move
There’ s a saying in the office that the real heavy lifting starts before the movers arrive. From forwarding your mail to finding home service providers in your area, there are countless tasks you have to complete in preparation for making your new house (or apartment!) a home. To save you pre-moving stress and headaches, Cord […]
Movers Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Most people know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month especially at Cord Moving and Storage because this is the time of year when pink ribbons and t-shirts come out in full force. Men and women of all ages sign up to participate in walks, fundraisers, and fairs to help raise money and awareness for this […]
What You Need to Know About Hiring a Mover
Remember: these are your valuables and prized possessions, you are allowed and expected to ask the “tough” questions. Any quality professional moving company will gladly answer your questions and have nothing to hide! “When you hire professionals you get intangibles that contribute to a better moving value, such as reliable customer service, quality audits, driver […]
3 Reasons to Leave Large Appliances Behind
As you pack your kitchen, you may carefully wrap each plate in tissue paper and cover each glass in bubble wrap. As you continue, you may throw out old, mismatched Tupperware containers or donate some of your worn hand towels. Next, you may pack a few of your small appliances in their original boxes and […]
Accelerate Selling Your Home with 5 Tips From The Cord Moving and Storage’s Experts
Many times the hardest part of moving involves selling your home. The pressure of finding and persuading a buyer can become exhausting. Most often, you get one chance to make a positive first impression. So you have to make that moment count. Help potential buyers feel welcome, safe, and warm when they come to your […]
Get Over Relocation Depression
Do not despair if you fear that you may be struggling with separation anxiety, for there are a number of proven relocation depression strategies to help you find a way out of your current cul-de-sac and start enjoying your new life as you should have done by now. Don’t just hide in your home but […]
Cord Moving and Storage Feeds The Community
Move For Hunger is happy to announce that Cord Moving and Storage has collected enough food to provide over 1,000 life-saving meals to your community. With Cord’s help, the Move For Hunger network has recently passed 7 MILLION pounds of food donated.
Cord Moving and The Gary Sinise Foundation Working Together
Cord Moving and Storage an Agent for North America Van Lines knows a home is more than a house. It’s where loved ones gather. It’s where we take comfort from the world. It’s the center around which our lives revolve. For our nation’s severely wounded heroes, however, life at home can be a constant battle. Without […]
How to Host a Garage Sale
If you’re getting ready to pack up and move to a new home, chances are you have a household full of old furniture, outgrown clothes, discarded toys, and unused tech. The things we accumulate over a lifetime never seem quite as overwhelming as they do when getting ready to pack up a house and start […]
Three Sites to Help you Find Part-Time Jobs for Your Teenagers After Relocating
Relocating can be an opportune moment for teenagers to grow into responsible adults. If you want your teen children working after one of the reliable Cord Moving and Storage has transported your household belongings, there are three websites that can help them find a part-time job. By referring to, you can begin an advanced job […]