Cord Moving and Storage Quote of The Day

“What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work and study; a constant process of honing one’s skill.” Stephen King (1947- ) There are 3 more Selling Days remaining in March and in the Quarter!!! We just concluded two days of a Sales Conference where learning and then studying […]

Cord Moving and The Quote of The Day

“The smallest deed is better that the greatest intention.” Jeff Borroughs There are only 4 more Selling Days remaining in March and in the Quarter!!! Good intentions are useless until they are expressed in appropriate action. Good intentions may be an appropriate starting point for achievement, but they will go nowhere unless you follow through […]

Wayne’s Quote of the Day – Monday, July 28th, 2014

“The future will depend on what we do in the present.” – Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) There are only 4 more Selling Days left in July and 46 remaining in the Quarter!!! When my son Patrick was 12 years old and I were playing golf many years ago. He was fairly good for his age and […]

Cord Moving and Storage – Quote of The Day

“The truly successful person inspires others to do more than they have thought possible for themselves.” Denis Waitley So what is Inspiration for success, why inspiration for success? Well, I guess many people or maybe even all people are looking for success. And inspiration makes things move, makes ‘life’, is a positive driver for success. Maybe inspiration […]

Quote of The Day from Cord Moving and Storage

“We run our business like a game show – produce and you come back, don’t produce and we have some lovely parting gifts for you.” Author Unknown There are only 3 more Selling Days in December, the Quarter and the Year!!! This quote this morning reminded me of what my Pappy use to say all […]

Quote of The Day From Cord Moving and Storage

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” Jim Rohn 1930-2009, Author and Speaker There are only 4 more Selling Days in December, the Quarter and the Year!!! I have used this quote before but I thought […]

Cord Moving Helps Plan Your Move

It’s almost never too early to begin planning your move when possible. An early start can pay off in many ways: you can sort through your belongings at your own pace, for example. Donated used clothing and other household goods can provide a tax deduction, and you can schedule a yard sale at your convenience […]

13 more Selling Days in February

“The difficult is what takes a little time; the impossible is what takes a little longer.” Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930) Norwegian explorer, Nobel Prize winner There are only 13 more Selling Days in February and 34 remaining in the Quarter!!! Your words move others. Your words move you. Let yours send everyone in the right direction. Here’s […]