Summer Safety Tips From Cord Moving

As summer temperatures are on the rise, it’s important to have a safe and comfortable place to call your own. Your home should be your base of operations—the one location where you can always retreat and relax with the people you love. Whether this means installing air conditioning or stepping up your backyard security efforts, […]

Cord Moving Provides Info on Arizona

Cord Moving and Storage has orchestrated many moves over the years to Tucson so we thought it would be nice to provide an overview. Tucson, Arizona became part of the United States in 1854 after being bought, along with a large portion of southern Arizona and southeastern New Mexico, in what is known as the […]

Cord Moving and Storage Remembers Memorial Day

“We must do all we can to extend our hand in times of need to those who willingly sacrifice each day to provide that freedom and security. While we can never do enough to show gratitude to our nation’s defenders, we can always do a little more.” Gary Sinise Sinise Foundation Remember all those that […]

Cord Moving and Storage Quote For The Day

“Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great.” Orson Swett Marden There are only 5 more Selling Days in April and 48 remaining in the Quarter!!! Sitting around waiting for that great opportunity is just “burning daylight” my Pappy would say. Fear doesn’t work the way we think it does. I’ll […]

Cord Moving Delivers for Another Veteran

Today we welcome home another woundedhero and his family to their new smarthome in Texas. Smart Home is made possible through the Gary Sinise Foundation ‘s – RISE Program ( Restoring Independence Supporting Empowerment) through its partner program Building for America’s Bravest. Special Thanks to LegettFoundation , KickapooSpringsFoundation ,HighlandCapitalManagement , CommericalMetals , The Home Depot […]

National Truck Driver Appreciation Week!

September 16-22 is National Truck Driver Appreciation Week Across the nation many companies, including Cord Moving and Storage Agents for North American Van Lines, will be taking part in this important event by honoring drivers for their hard work, customer service, and commitment to safety. North Americans drivers perform one of our economy’s most vital […]

Cord Named ‘Best in Reliability’

According to the April 2012 issue of Small Business Monthly, Cord Moving & Storage is one of the most reliable small businesses in the St. Louis area. We at Cord are very excited to be recognized for our hard work and commitment to excellence.

Service Evaluation Questionnaire Responses

Name: Patti C.“I’ve moved many, many times in my adult life and this was the best professional experience I’ve had.  Quick, effective, polite, respectful, and professional to the extreme.  Great experience.” Name: Linda T. “Absolutely no complaints.  The team in all cases, worked up and beyond.  Makes a miserable problem more enjoyable.” Name: Jane A. […]

Cord Moving and Storage Assists the Gary Sinise Foundation

Cord Moving and Storage is delivering furniture for SSG Travis Mills to his new “Smart Home” in Maine today. Travis is a severely wounded veteran who lost both arms and legs while serving in a hostile war zone. The Gary Sinise Foundation has long supported and built smart homes for those disabled veterans who need […]