13 more Selling Days in February
“The difficult is what takes a little time; the impossible is what takes a little longer.” Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930) Norwegian explorer, Nobel Prize winner There are only 13 more Selling Days in February and 34 remaining in the Quarter!!! Your words move others. Your words move you. Let yours send everyone in the right direction. Here’s […]
Cord Moving and Storage is True to its Word
“Relationships are based on trust – period.” ~ Dr. Denis Waitley There are only 15 more Selling Days in September and the Quarter!!! You never close a sale. You only begin a long-term relationship where both parties win. Can you think of a successful relationship without mutual trust? Break that trust and you break the […]
Cord Moving and Storage Takes the Stress out of Relocation
“You must open yourself up to turning stress into customer service success.” ~ Dr. Rick Kirschner There are only 13 more Selling Days in August and 34 remaining in the Quarter!!! No question about it: You can’t please all the people all the time! And because you’re a professional, it’s understandable that your negative experiences […]
Cord Moving and Storage – The Quote of The Day
“You have a chance to start over, will you make the most of it or let it slip through your fingers?” ~ Zig Ziglar There are only 15 more Selling Days in August and 36 remaining in the Quarter!!! I remember one February I drove past the Plymouth, Michigan, Recreation Center where I used to […]
Is the Real Estate Coming Back Regionally or Nationally?
South Florida has been the default capital of the country. In Miami-Dade County, one out of five households with mortgages is in foreclosure. Nearby Broward and Palm Beach counties are not far behind. Nearly 200,000 South Florida families are stuck in the mire of default. And yet as Cord Moving and Storage a company that carefully tracks […]
Why The Moving Industry is Reliant on The Real Estate Market?
Despite what appears to be a non-stop wave of tough news regarding real estate, four major media players have come out this month with the same advice: It Is Time to Buy a Home! This spells a relief to the moving and storage industry that would be easy to characterize as struggling for the past […]