Cord Moving and Storage’s Advice When Choosing A Mover

It’s almost never too early to begin planning your move when possible. An early start can pay off in many ways: you can sort through your belongings at your own pace, for example. Donated used clothing and other household goods can provide a tax deduction, and you can schedule a yard sale at your convenience […]

Cord Moving Helps Plan Your Move

It’s almost never too early to begin planning your move when possible. An early start can pay off in many ways: you can sort through your belongings at your own pace, for example. Donated used clothing and other household goods can provide a tax deduction, and you can schedule a yard sale at your convenience […]

Selling Moving Services or Anything Else for that Matter

“You should always lead with selling value versus selling on price.” ~ Andrea Sittig-Rolf There are only 20 more Selling Days in August and 41 remaining in the Quarter!!! Set Yourself Up To Succeed. Over the years I have learned the key to success in building value in your products and services lies in asking […]

A Leader in Relocation

For nearly a century, Cord Moving and Storage has been the mover of choice for more than 20,000 families a year and many of America’s Fortune 500 companies. Whether you are moving yourself or you are a corporation looking to relocate your employees or offices, Cord Moving and Storage an Agent for North American Van […]

Cord Moving and Storage and North American Van Lines Says NO to The “Low Bar” Mentality – Recognizing and Overcoming Mediocrity in Customer Service Experience…

Cord Moving and Storage and North American Van Lines Says NO to The “Low Bar” Mentality – Recognizing and overcoming mediocrity in customer service experience…  An appliance repairman or cable television technician shows up with just ten minutes remaining in his four-hour schedule window and we’re relieved. A waitress makes no mistakes in our dinner […]

Why The Moving Industry is Reliant on The Real Estate Market?

Despite what appears to be a non-stop wave of tough news regarding real estate, four major media players have come out this month with the same advice: It Is Time to Buy a Home! This spells a relief to the moving and storage industry that would be easy to characterize as struggling for the past […]