Cord Moving and Storage – Quote of The Day
“The truly successful person inspires others to do more than they have thought possible for themselves.” Denis Waitley So what is Inspiration for success, why inspiration for success? Well, I guess many people or maybe even all people are looking for success. And inspiration makes things move, makes ‘life’, is a positive driver for success. Maybe inspiration […]
Cord Moving and Storage Pledges Dedication and Commitment
“Obsessed is just a name the lazy use to describe the dedicated.” ~ Author Unknown There are 11 more Selling Days in August and 32 remaining in the Quarter!!! Do you feel like studying, working hard, or cutting your expenses to save money? Most people don’t. Yet, these steps are needed for success, aren’t they? […]
Quote of the Day from Cord Moving and Storage
“All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.” ~ Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) There are only 17 more Selling Days in August and 38 remaining in the Quarter!!! Are you a ‘Talker’ or a ‘Doer’? Do you ‘talk’ about doing or do you take action […]